Tuesday April 1,1831
MY DEAR CROKER,—Like most great architects you
have made a slight mistake in returning the scaffolding.
My only complaint is a very trifling one. Young's
imitation of Johnson's criticism on Gray is not on my
shelves, it is however a book long since printed and I will
pick it up one day.
What may be of more consequence the copy of Ascanius is not mine nor have I happened to see it so I suppose it
is scarce. MacNicols remarks I have received safe. I
knew him a little and rememr. his dining with my father
and rather regarded him with awe at the time as a live
author. Again a new volume of Boswell's book does not
call me master.
Lockhart tells me great things of your warfare. I would
not perhaps have been so quiet But the Doctors have taken
away my glass and reduced me to the state of the poor
madman who notwithstanding that in his imagination he
had the best of cooks and kept an excellent table everything he ate tasted of porridge and milk the poor man getting nothing else. I am not quite so bad but am
earnestly preached to not to excite myself. I would not
stay from my own county meetings.
I doubt that it will last over my time which will not be
long. I have failed too generally and suddenly.
Let me know when or how I can send the books which
are not mine. It is hard that you who helped so many
friends with your illimitable franks should ever need one
My kind respects attend Mrs. Croker and believe me
always yours affectionately, WALTER SCOTT |