Historical Timeline Database of over one million items
By creating a publicly subscripted database of all known facts with dates, pictures, sound clips, links, etc., you can choose a date in the past and see what people knew then without any knowledge of future events.
The Historical Timeline database provides a unique perspective on History.
It's like reading a newspaper
As Rupert C. Jarvis said in Collected Papers on the Jacobite Risings - Volume II, page 4, "The confusion locally, for instance, the general amazement at the advance, indeed the terror in anticipation during the course of the excursion into England, is easier to recapture from the day-to-day news than from any of the more formal pages of the histories. This is precisely because the histories, memoirs and similar accounts were written, naturally enough, in retrospect, whereas the news-sheets, on the contrary, were written obviously without the advantage of knowing what the ultimate result of the rising was going to be. They have all the merits of a breathless serial, when at each contribution it cannot be known what exactly the next installment may bring."
It is precisely this breathless excitement that we are attempting to capture by giving the user access to only that information that was available at a specific point in time. For example, in the August 3-6, 1745 issue of the London Gazette is the offer of a £30,000 reward (worth £4,190,000.00 in today's pounds [2012]) for the capture of Charles Edward Stuart should he set foot on any British soil.
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Ascanius; or the Young Adventurer
- If you are looking for Ascanius; or the Young Adventurer
(Bestselling book of the 18th and 19th centuries), then you came to the right place—it's here.
- You can also get more information and read some of the many versions which remained in print for over 150 years by going to the Ascanius blog.