Stuart of Bute Tartan  

Bestselling book of the 18th and 19th centuries


Maps of the '45

Maps related to the 1745-6 rebellion

Maps and places from the Itinerary.

Route of the du Teillay
The route of the Du Teillay (La Doutelle).

This map shows how the clans were distributed in Scotland.

From the Gentleman's Magazine volumes XV and XVI of 1745 and 1746.

Plan of Edinburgh

Plan of Gladsmuir

Plan of Carlisle

Grant's map of Prince Charles' route
Grant's map of Prince Charles' route.

From the Historical geography of the clans of Scotland

Inverness and Nairn
Inverness and Nairn


Battle of Falkirk Monument

Battle of Falkirk Monument.


The road from Berwick to Carlisle and Carlisle to Lancaster in Ogilby's map of 1675.

Maps released by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) produced by Beaulieu Tréhouart and Marc Joseph Marion-Dufresne, commanders of L'Heureux and Le Prince de Conti when they rescued Prince Charles from Loch nan Uamh in October 1746.

Plan de la baye de Loknoüer
Plan de la baye de Loknoüer

Plan de la baye de Loknoüer (detail)
Plan de la baye de Loknoüer (detail)

Plan de la Baye de Withs (Uist) (actually, Loch Boisdale and Calvay Castle)
Located on the west coast of Scotland at 46 degrees 45 minutes of latitude is wrong (it is approximately 57 degrees).
Plan de la baye de Withs (Uist)

Carte d'une partie de la coste occidentale d'Ecosse
Map of part of the west coast of Scotland
Carte d'une partie de la coste occidentale d'Ecosse

Baye de Loknoüer (detail)
Baye de Loknoüer (detail)

New Zealand Journal of History

Notes Marion du Fresne and the Young Pretender and here transcribed by John Dunmore of Massey University in New Zealand Journal of History, Apr 1969; v.3 n.1:p.70-73; issn:0028-8322.

Le nouveau & grand illuminant flambeau de la mer, de tout le monde... by Nicolas Jansz. Vooght, & Gerard van Keulen (Ceulen), Geomêtre, & Maistre en Mathematiques

The complete set of six volumes is available online at the National Library of Spain here.


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